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We’re Looking for a Skilled Manual Physical Therapist

We’re a unique out-of-network concierge Physical Therapy practice looking for a skilled manual Physical Therapist who can “see beyond the clinic space”.

Would you enjoy:

  • Stepping outside the clinic box, and into our clients’ homes and offices in Manhattan and Brooklyn? 
  • Having the creative freedom to design and deliver unique, custom PT and Fitness programs to our clients?
  • Working in a 100% cash-pay clinic without the hassle of dealing with insurance contracts and reimbursement?  
  • Spending a full hour, one-on-one with each of your patients?
  • Drastically reducing all that paperwork required in most in-network PT clinics?
  • Helping grow a small business with unlimited potential in the New York City area?
  • Earning a competitive hourly rate for providing personalized concierge PT?

This could be the perfect position for you!  

Hi, I’m Jim Palmer, a physical therapist and owner of Palmer Concierge Physical Therapy – a mobile, concierge PT practice that serves Manhattan and Brooklyn, NY.   Are you an experienced, highly competent Manual Physical Therapist with outstanding interpersonal skills who is interested in part-time work with a flexible schedule?  But first, let me tell you a bit about myself, our Palmer Concierge Physical Therapy practice, and our treatment philosophy so you can determine if you are likely to be a good fit with us.

I’m a NJ and NY licensed physical therapist who has been in practice for 17 years.  I earned my MSPT from the University of Central Florida in 2004 and my DPT from the University of Montana in 2013.  Treating patients with my hands and providing progressive exercise programs have been my passion for many years.  I enjoy guiding patients from injury to successful recovery.  I’ve received extensive manual therapy training and have become a Certified Mulligan Practitioner (CMP) and Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT).  I am certified in dry needling as well.   

After working in multiple outpatient PT clinics for many years, I became frustrated with the “patient mill” concept, fueled by insurance reimbursement and work quotas.  When my wife and I moved to NYC, I had the enviable opportunity of establishing Palmer Concierge Physical Therapy, a highly effective, personalized approach to physical therapy and fitness, on an individual basis in the convenience of our busy clients’ homes, gyms, and offices.

Our Mission: To provide highly skilled, personalized physical therapy services directly to our clients in the convenience of their home, office, or gym. 

Our Goal: To assist each client to optimal functioning for a healthy, enjoyable, and pain-free lifestyle. 

Our Treatment Philosophy: To educate, empower, and partner with our clients in establishing wellness goals and strategies and to help them reach their highest level of functioning quickly and safely, while improving their overall lifestyle in the process. We approach our clients with respect, compassion, and sensitivity to create an incredible experience for them. By using an eclectic approach to treatment, we do not limit ourselves to any one physical therapy school/methodology as being superior to all others. 

We are looking for someone who has outstanding manual skills and a compassionate, joyful outlook on life. . . .  someone who is looking for an environment where high quality care and patient experience are truly top priority, and not just part of a mission statement. . . .  someone who is passionate about learning and wise enough to know there will always be much more to learn, regardless of age or experience. And in our clinic, the learning, training, and practicing will not only be about improving clinical skills but also about improving your ability (which go very far beyond just your PT skills). 

So you will bring your own skill set, but we’ll be teaching you a number of manual techniques and ways to optimize patient interactions and experiences. But there’s something even more important than your manual/PT skills: YOUR PERSONALITY AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS. 

I believe that if you can’t “win over” a patient via your conversations and interactions, it almost doesn’t matter how good you are with your hands and ther-ex prescription. The right person for this job will be able to assess and skillfully respond to the wide variety of people  who entrust themselves to our services. Our client demographics are quite diverse and evenly spread among gender and age. We serve weekend warriors, desk jockeys, young, old, and middle-aged highly-driven New Yorkers wanting to stay active and fit. Our patients are amazing! You’re going to love them!  

Below are additional factors to help you decide if this position is a good fit for you. In our practice. . .

  • You will not be rushing from patient to patient all day and then buried in a never-ending pile of paperwork.
  • Your employer will not be nagging you about the type and number of codes you’re billing.
  • The harder you work the more money you can make.  But even the minimum required schedule is quite relaxed compared to the typical outpatient PT position.
  • We are not a Participating Medicare Provider, so we do not file for Medicare benefits, but we do have Medicare-aged patients who choose to pay out of pocket for our concierge PT and fitness programs. 
  • Patients pay in-full at the time of service and are provided a receipt with the necessary codes/info to send self-claims to insurance if they so choose. 
  • Documentation must be in line with the State Practice Act and be sufficient if legal issues arise, but much of the insurance-based paperwork requirements do not exist in this clinic. 

Sound exciting so far? If not, no need to read further. If so, let me tell you more about who we’re looking for. We are seeking: 

  • A dynamic PT who will create a unique treatment experience in our client’s home, home gym, office or even outdoor space.  Yes, that means Central Park too! 
  • A resourceful PT who can use a couch, desk, or yoga mat as their treatment table for manual therapy techniques.  For exercise, this PT will use sports cords, water bottles, books, boxes and body weight exercises to improve our client’s strength.   
  • A stellar manual therapist, who preferably has had solid training in manual therapy beyond what is taught in PT school.  Having a natural ability with your hands is a must.  Some PTs who have taken significant continuing education in manual therapies still lack a natural ability with their hands. Some things can be taught and some things unfortunately cannot. I’m looking for that person who has always been told they have “great hands.” 

If all the above has made you excited about this job, here is a detailed “success description” outlining the details of what success in this position looks like.  To have superstar status in this position, you will: 

  • Laugh and make others laugh (or at least make them smile).
  • Believe in clients for life.  We all have “my doctor”, “my dentist” and “my hairstylist/barber”.  We want to be “my PT” for all of our clients. 
  • Adopt the philosophy that we are not just here to help people when they get injured, but that we are the primary provider for musculoskeletal impairments and lifelong guide to staying active and healthy. 
  • Learn and apply specific techniques and strategies for performing free consultations with prospective patients in a way that maximizes the number of prospective clients to continue with us.  Clients have many choices in NYC, and we must communicate what makes our concierge practice unique and how we can solve their problem. 
  • Smile and make patients feel extremely welcome and cared for.  Treat our clients as if they are our friends and family.
  • Stay current on clinical research as well as business strategies that will help you provide superior treatment and client interactions. 
  • Actively seek to understand what drives each of our patients. It’s not pain that brought them to us, but rather, it’s an activity they need, want, or love to do which the pain is keeping them from doing in the way they want. 
  • Be willing to occasionally work on weekends to serve those patients who can’t schedule appointments during weekdays or fit in the available weekday spots. Pay rate is substantially higher for weekend appointments. Currently, ongoing weekend work is an option if due to another job or desire for the higher weekend rates. 
  • Understand that to reach and help the most people with our hard-earned skills and knowledge, we must “sell” our services. You will get comfortable with the terms “sales” and “selling,” and understand that ethical selling is how we benefit the most possible people who need our help to live the lives they desire.
  • Move at least one patient per month into our ongoing wellness and maintenance programs to help them maintain the great results already obtained, and further reach the highest levels of performance and health. 
  • Never take for granted the amazing patient-care atmosphere and daily work setting this job provides compared to the typical outpatient PT clinic. 
  • Be a physical representation of health, wellness, and fitness. Otherwise how can we ask our patients to do things we’re not willing to do ourselves?
  • Encourage at least one patient per month to leave an online review of their experience at Palmer Concierge Physical Therapy.  We want New Yorkers to know that we are here to help them.  
  • Proactively think of ways to improve our practice and our ability to help people. 

Thanks for reading this far! You’re already showing some of the characteristics I’m looking for, so if you’re interested in applying for this position, please follow these directions:

  1. Send an email to
  2. Use the Subject Line: Palmer Concierge PT – PT position 
  3. Within the email, please write a few sentences about why you feel you are a great fit for this position. 
  4. Include a link to your LinkedIn profile. (If you don’t already have one, please make one and include the link in the email. It doesn’t need to be long or fancy.) 
  5. Attach your resumĂ© as a PDF file. 

Thank you so much for your interest in this position. 

I hope to meet you soon!

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